Course Syllabus

Aims of the course

In structural optimization the problem of finding the 'optimal' design is considered. The term 'optimal' design can apply to various aspects and the common features are minimum weight or maximum stiffness of a structure. The course is aimed to give the student knowledge and fundamental understanding of modern tools that are commercially available. The course is suitable for students from: Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Physics, Engineering Math and Civil Engineering.

The course starts by presenting the required theory for large scale optimization problem. After solving a few simple examples, we see that we have to resort to computational methods to solve more complicated problems. After 5 weeks we are equipped with the tools so that we can start to formulate "real" problems.



Theory: You will learn the fundamental ingredients of large scale structural optimization.

During the course, students will see many applications where optimization can be applied to real world problems. In addition to research examples, we will invite a lecturer from industry.

Implement your own optimization method. The course involves a project where the students are supposed to implement (e.g in Matlab) a finite element based optimization algorithm. The implementation should be used to design a structure with specific features,

3D print your optimized design

Perform mechanical testing of your optimized design.


To qualify for a final grade it is required that the project assignment is approved as well as passing the mid-term exam. The mid-term exam takes place after 5-6 weeks.